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We have a tremendous focus on candle safety here at Begonia & Bench®.  We strive to comply with industry standard regulations in regard to candle safety, emission, and even glass candle vessel safety. 

The ASTM F2179 Candle Safety Standard for Candle Glass clearly indicates that candle glass can only be tested by the original manufacturer to meet and certify their glass batches to this standard, and that compliance to the standard cannot be established by the candle maker.  Our candle glass vessel manufacturers have a commitment to manufacturing their vessels in accordance with established ASTM standards.

Since we can not be certain the vessel has not experienced thermal shock while outside of our control and burned previously as a candle, we feel we are unable to test the ASTM safety standard for candle glass and therefore do not refill glass vessels out of an abundance of safety.

We instead encourage everyone to strongly consider repurposing or upcycling our glass vessels whenever possible, and If unable to please recycle our soda glass vessels after removing all wax residue.
Many types of glassware is an under-recycled material that is infinitely recyclable.  Please recycle any glass you cannot reuse.